11 Magical Anti-Aging Oils That Will Restore Your skin’s Youthful Appearance... Guaranteed!

Since there are multiple commercial anti-aging products available, most of these solutions are high-priced and includes potentially damaging chemicals which truly harm your skin in the long run. Rather than wasting money into these pre-made “beauty products” why not producing your own utilizing all these natural anti-aging oils? We’ll begin with listing the best oils and their health benefits. Then we’ll show you which essential oils are excellent for restoring and healing skin’s youthful appearance.

1. Argan Oil

Argan oil is composed of approximately 80% fatty acids which can do wonders for your skin. It hydrates and restores the elasticity of your skin. Argan oil also fades fine lines and wrinkles making this another wonderful carrier oil for anti-aging serums. 

2. Carrot Seed Oil

Carrot Seed oil is loaded with antioxidant carotenoids which encourage your body’s immune response to UV rays, supporting the prevention of sun damage. Carotenoids also arouse the rejuvenation of your skin cells, aid in the detoxification process of your body, and can aid to cure chronic skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema.

3. Geranium Oil

Geranium oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It also serves to eradicate age spots. Geranium oil also promotes circulation under the skin’s surface which helps in cell regeneration, making it beneficial for wrinkles, fading scars, and other obvious flaws in your skin.

4. Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil

It's a vitamin-rich essential oil that is perfect for reversing the symptoms of aging, Sea Buckthorn Berry oil can aid to treat acne, moisturize dry skin, and decrease the visibility of other skin ailments like eczema and hyper pigmentation.

5. Neroli Oil

Neroli oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic that is also exceptional for soothing irritated or damaged skin, promoting circulation, healing scars, decreasing wrinkles and lines, as well as for removing stretch marks.

6. Cypress Oil

Cypress oil serves to strengthen your skin, promote circulation and diminish the appearance of varicose veins and damaged capillaries under the skin’s surface.

7. Frankincense Oil

Apply Frankincense oil to help restore skin cells, degrading the appearance of fine lines, scars, and wrinkles. Frankincense is also excellent for evening tone, tightening up sagging skin, and balancing skin’s pH.

8. Lemon Oil
Lemon oil can serve to reduce dark spots, as well as limiting and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

9. Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil can assist to relieve irritated or damaged skin while at the same time fading scars, eliminating lines, and removing wrinkles to smooth the skin’s surface

10. Myrrh Oil

Apply Myrrh oil to your skin to help promote its strength, for a healthy and smooth younger-looking appearance.

11. Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil aids to tighten your skin, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It also works as a natural preservative for any other oils which may be combined with.

Eventually, do not forget to do an allergy test before using any carrier oils or essential oils to wide areas of your body. Only apply a drop or 2 to the back of your hand and wait several hours (not all reactions happen quickly) to determine any adverse effects.

The Best Anti-Aging Secrets

Use sesame oil :

"First thing every morning, I massage organic sesame oil from the health-food store all over my body. Working it in wakes me up and really gets my blood circulating. Plus, the oil hydrates my skin, giving it a healthy glow. Then I jump in the shower—the oil naturally cleans away dead skin cells."—Lisa Hedley, founder and creative director of the Mayflower Inn and Spa, Washington, Conn.

Consider fish oil :

"Anti-inflammatories are the best anti-agers out there. From improving heart and immune functions to helping hair grow and skin look supple, they truly do wonders. I take three 500 milligram capsules of omega-3 fish oil in the morning and at night. I look for labels that say, 'molecularly distilled for purity,' which means pesticide-free."—Arlene Noodleman, MD, medical director of the Age Defy Dermatology and Wellness Center, Campbell, Calif.

Down that java :

"I avoid stained teeth by drinking my coffee quickly. If you sip it over the course of an hour, it keeps coating and recoating. The same goes for other staining liquids, like tea and dark juices."—Elisa Mello, DDS, cosmetic dentist, New York City

Blow off base :

"I've stopped using foundation every day, because it settles into wrinkles and makes them more noticeable. I start with a concealer just where I need it (under-eye area, blemishes, etc.) and follow it with an allover application of tinted moisturizer."—Joanna Schlip, celebrity makeup artist for Physician’s Formula 

Keep it simple :

"Because I'm a plastic surgeon, companies send me so many skin-care samples—and some of them have 10 different steps! But I'm realistic, so there's no way I'm going to sign up for some huge beauty system that costs hundreds of dollars and requires a commitment that I'm not willing to make. Honestly, here's my daily skin-care routine: I go home, wash my face with a drugstore cleanser, put on a moisturizer, and fall into bed. I find that this simple regimen works well for me."—Karen M. Horton, MD, plastic surgeon and reconstructive microsurgeon at the Women's Plastic Surgery Center, San Francisco

Don't eat white sugar...

"The number-one ingredient that I avoid in my diet is processed sugar. The reason: It speeds up the aging process by binding to and eventually weakening the collagen in your skin, which can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging. I eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day—and I steer clear of Twinkies at all costs!"—Ava Shamban, MD, dermatologist and owner of the Laser Institute for Dermatology and Skin care, Santa Monica, Calif.

...Scrub with it instead
"In the shower, I lather my hands with a mild cleanser, add a handful of white sugar, and slather it all over my face and body. It makes my skin so smooth and creates a great canvas for makeup."—Carmindy, celebrity makeup artist

Add body while you sleep 

"At night, I straighten my hair with a flat iron and put it up in a loose ponytail right above my forehead—it's not cute, but I don't care—and wear it like that all night. When I take it down in the morning, it has such a youthful bounce to it."—Laura Hittleman, corporate director of beauty services, Canyon Ranch, Tucson, Ariz.

Pamper your eye area

"I treat the skin around my eyes separately. Face creams can be too irritating, but products made for this delicate area work wonders for smoothing fine lines. I prefer to use a gel formula; the lightweight consistency keeps my eye makeup looking fresh all day."—Laura Hittleman, Canyon Ranch

source : www.health.com

The 5 Best Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipes

If you’re crunched for time, or tight on cash, and can’t make it to the spa, you can still provide your skin with the special attention it needs to look healthy and rejuvenated. These simple homemade anti-aging skin care recipes cover all the bases. You can do any of these homemade anti-aging skin care recipes in the comfort of your own home, using only natural ingredients, to take care of the overall health of your skin.
Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipe for Hydration
This homemade anti-aging skin care recipe is really only one ingredient: honey. After you’ve cleansed your skin, smooth over a teaspoon of honey all over your face. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Not only will the honey draw out skin impurities, it is also a natural moisturizer, which makes it the ideal ingredient for a homemade anti-aging skin care recipe.
Another good hydrating ingredient for homemade anti-aging skin care recipes is extra-virgin olive oil. If you have really dry skin, rub a drop or two between your fingertips and gently rub it into your skin before bed. You can also add a few drops to a bath to target dryness all over your body.
Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipe to Brighten Your Skin
There are two ways to brighten your skin: internally and externally. The best brightening ingredient for homemade anti-aging recipes is vitamin C. Start by adding more of it to your diet. An easy way to do this is to add a slice of lemon or grapefruit to a bottle of water while you’re on the go. Citrus fruits make for great homemade anti-aging recipes, even just on their own, because they help to cleanse you from the inside out by removing toxins and impurities that could show up on your face.
You can just as easily add vitamin C topically using orange juice as a homemade anti-aging skin care recipe. Simply soak a cotton pad with 100% orange juice—avoid the processed stuff—and wipe it across your face and neck. Then rinse and pat dry. The brightening effect is gradual, but it works.
Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipe to Refine Skin Texture         
For this homemade anti-aging skin care recipe, you’ll need two whole walnuts. Start by crushing the insides of the nuts, then mix in two tablespoons of yogurt, followed by a teaspoon of 100% pure almond oil. This creates a natural exfoliant that’s gentle enough for everyday use. Each ingredient has a role to play in this homemade anti-aging skin care recipe—the walnut buffs away dead skin, dirt, and oil from the face, while the lactic acid in the yogurt refines texture and tightens pores. The almond oil will sooth and moisturize the skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth.
Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipe for Bags Under the Eyes
Tea is a popular ingredient for homemade anti-aging skin care recipes. Brew a cup of white tea on medium heat—setting the temperature too high prevents the tea leaves from steeping to their maximum benefit. Wait until the tea is warm, then soak a facecloth in the water and place it over your eyes. The heat will open up pores and the tea will infuse itself into your skin. White tea works well as a homemade anti-aging skin care recipe because it’s loaded with antioxidants and neutralizes free radicals. Its anti-aging properties will help deflate bags under the eyes while also treating the rest of your face.
Homemade Anti-Aging Skin Care Recipe for Oily Skin
This is one of the simplest homemade anti-aging skin care recipes for oily skin. Using one egg, separate the yolk from the egg white and apply the egg white directly onto your face. As you feel it tighten, it is also drawing out impurities in the skin, including excess oil. After 10 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Here’s another homemade anti-aging skin care recipe that works well for oily skin. Drench a washcloth in warm black tea and lay it over your entire face—make sure you can breathe comfortably. Doing this for 10 minutes every day for two weeks will drastically reduce the slick appearance of oily skin over a longer period of time.
“Enjoy the Health Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin,” Almond Oil for Skin web site; https://www.almondoilforskin.org/, last accessed July 15, 2013.
“Health Benefits of White Tea,” White Tea Guide web site; https://www.whiteteaguide.com/whiteteahealthbenefits.htm, last accessed July 15, 2013.
“Make Your Own Egg White Mask—Treats  Acne,” TLC web site; https://tlc.howstuffworks.com/style/egg-white-mask-treats-acne.htm, last accessed July 15, 2013.

Killer Tips For Anti Aging Skin Care

Women always want to look beautiful and young. No matter from which part of the world they belong to but beauty is their primary concern. As the age increases, we can see the visible signs of aging appearing on the skin.

Signs of aging can be noticed by wrinkles, spots on the skin and sagging skin. For some the signs of aging appear too early and some look younger even if they grow older. These signs are due to exposure to sun, pollution and our food habits. Skin starts becoming rough, darker spots and it loses its elasticity because of which skin becomes slack. Proper diet is always essential to keep our skin looking fresh and glowing.

There are many ways through which we can take care of our skin and make it look younger for a longer time.
  • Always choose a good moisturizer that suits your requirement. Select it based on your skin and keep applying it as per the requirement of your skin. Dry skin requires the moisturizer more frequent. Never keep your skin dry for a longer time.
  • Consume good amount of water everyday which will definite keep your skin glowing. 8 liters of water every day is must for every human being.
  • Always use sun screen lotion before you go out of your home. Choose the lotion based on the time you actually spend outdoor. The longer the time you spend outdoor, the higher should be the SPF value.
  • We also have many anti aging creams available in the market now-a-days. You can choose one of them also which also helps you prevent aging to some extent. Select an aging cream from those brands which are familiar to you or those brands which you are already using.
  • We have many remedies available at home to prevent aging. Rub a piece of lemon on your skin that gives your skin a brighter complexion.
  • The skin renews better at night time. So give yourself a good sound sleep which keeps your skin look younger.
  • Kick out all your bad habits like alcohol or smoking. These habits are also reason for early aging of skin.
  • Take some good diet. Try to reduce the oil content as much as possible. Add more fruits and fruit juices to your diet every day. Take glass of warm water with one spoon of honey every day morning.
  • Yoga is another good medicine for aging. It sounds strange but it's true. Yoga instructors teach good face yoga exercises which help us fight aging.
All these tips are useful only when started at right time and followed regularly. Signs of aging start generally in early 30's. Aging signs on the skin are clearly visible to everyone and should be taken proper care before they actually start developing. Beautiful and younger looking skin develops confidence in you and it also makes you feel younger than your age. Give gentle massage to your skin whenever possible which relaxes your skin.

Source : www.healthvillas.com/2014/01/killer-tips-for-anti-aging-skin-care.html

The Right Skin Care for Every Age

The Right Skin Care for Every Age

Still using that oil-free cleanser your mom gave you when you were 13? To look flawless and fabulous at every age, it's time to rethink your skin routine. Here, your decade-by-decade anti-aging arsenal.

When it comes to skin care, most of us fall into one of two camps. There are those of us who never change our routine, using the same ill-suited face wash and moisturizer from our high school days. Then there's the other group, who embrace treatments like Botox and acid peels before there's a wrinkle in sight. As we age, our skin changes. What worked in our 20s won't do us any favors in our 30s -- or 40s. If the goal is to maintain a youthful, dewy glow well into our golden years, and look just as radiant every decade in between, we need to tailor our skin care regimen to the number of candles on our birthday cake. We got the lowdown from the country's top skin care experts on the products we should be using in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. Here, how to put your best face forward at every age. If you're in your 20s At this age, your goal is to preserve and protect. In your 20s, many of the skin issues you see come from carefree living (and neglect): partying on weekends, drinking too much, pulling all-nighters and basking in the sun without sunscreen. There might be lingering acne from the teen years as well. Hard living comes at a cost, though: fine lines can start to creep up in the second half of your 20s. To stave them off and counteract your skin sins, it's important to start a consistent skin care routine that involves SPF.

Your ideal regimen: 

 Step 1: Use a gentle foaming cleanser that will remove makeup and excess oil, but won't dry out your skin.
 Step 2: For day, use a light moisturizer that contains sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection (the experts say this is something you cannot skip -- EVER. Look for a product that contains either zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone or Mexoryl. New York based dermatologist Dr. Heidi Waldorf recommends EltaMD UV Clear, $30. "It is an ultra light, quick absorbing, oil free moisturizer with SPF 46 and zinc oxide, that feels light but provides hydration, so it's an ideal daily moisturizer for face and neck." She also recommends La Roche-Posay Anthelios 50 Mineral Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid, $33.50, with SPF and titanium dioxide for patients with very oily skin.
 Step 3: If you get mild breakouts (not serious acne -- your dermatologist should recommend the ideal treatment for that), use a spot treatment containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. And whatever you do, don't pick -- it can lead to long-lasting scars.
Step 4: If you are one to stay up all hours of the night drinking and smoking, use an antioxidant to counteract the damage from your partying ways. Apply a serum at night that contains pomegranate extract (ellagic acid), vitamin C or grape seed extract. Antioxidants,"eliminate damaging free radicals responsible for most of what we perceive as skin aging, including fine lines, pigment changes and textural irregularity," says Dr. Howard Murad, founder of Murad Skincare.
 Step 5: At night, cleanse and spot treat any breakouts (again with a treatment containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide), and follow with a basic light moisturizer.
 Step 6: It is okay to introduce eye creams and other anti-aging products as long as they are not too harsh. If it doesn't make your skin look better or if the product is irritating, skip it. Instead, Murad recommends looking for hydrating ingredients like ceramides, sodium PCA, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and alpha and beta hydroxy acids. "They protect against dryness and fine lines by replenishing naturally occurring skin lipids." Discoloration caused by sun damage or melasma (aka the mask of pregnancy that can also be caused by birth control), and fine lines are likely two of your biggest skin challenges. "At this point, you need to start exfoliating regularly because skin only exfoliates naturally every 35 days as opposed to every 14 in your 20s," says Olga Lorencin, aesthetician and co-owner of Kinara Spa in Los Angeles.

Your ideal regimen: 

 Step 1: Women in their 30s need a cleanser that does a little more than the ones you used in your 20s. Dr. Waldorf recommends a formula that "removes makeup and lightly exfoliates using PHAs (gluconolactone and maltobionic acid), and reduces inflammations with a botanical complex including chamomile and aloe. NeoStrata Skin Active Exfoliating Wash, $35, accomplishes both.
 Step 2: "Use an eye cream both day and night to hydrate the skin around the eyes and increase suppleness," says Murad. This will help diminish any lines that may be appearing. An eye cream with a broad based SPF works well in the day, and a hydrating eye cream is ideal for the evening.
 Step 3: For day, before applying sunscreen, use an antioxidant-rich moisturizer, serum or lotion. "There is some evidence that antioxidants act synergistically with sunblock to help guard against photo damage," says Waldorf. Even better, she says, they may also be able to undo some of the damage that's already been done. If you were using a quality product in your 20s, keep on using it, but if you need an upgrade, Caudalie Vinexpert Firming Serum, $88, contains a potent form of reservatatrol from grape vines (the "magic ingredient" that keeps popping up in current studies), plus peptides and hyaluronic acid to boost moisture.
 Step 4: Add a retinoid to your regimen to help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. The highest-strength retinoids are prescription only, but over-the-counter retinol is a close second. Everyone's skin is different, so the strength you need will vary on an individual basis. Apply retinoids at night (sunlight deactivates retinol, making it worthless), and avoid putting them on your upper eyelids -- retinoids can be too irritating on your delicate eye area.
 Step 5: If your skin feels like it needs additional moisture after applying a retinoid, use a basic hydrating cream that doesn't contain additional retinol. Other acids, such as alpha hydroxyl acids, may improve the hydrating effects of a product, but "you want to avoid over treating your skin," says Waldorf.

 If you're in your 40s In your 40s, expression lines between your brows and around your eyes and mouth don't disappear like they did in your 30s. "Your estrogen level is tapering so your skin will become dryer," says Lorencin. The neck and décolleté area might start to look crepey as well. Overall you'll need to add moisture and collagen-building ingredients like peptides.

Your ideal regimen

 Step 1: Cleanse using a basic non-foaming, non-drying cleanser in combination with a gentle face cleansing brush to help remove dead skin cells. Because you'll use retinol (a chemical exfoliant) regularly, you'll need to get rid of any flaking skin.
 Step 2: Use SPF daily to prevent further damage and choose a product that contains antioxidants to fight free radicals and help reverse some of the damage you already have.
 Step 3: Retinoids and peptides are two ingredient groups that you should add into your routine if you haven't already. Peptides can help rebuild collagen, especially when used in combination with skin texture-improving retinoids like retinol. To get both ingredients in one dose (and at one price), opt for a serum like Rodan + Fields Anti-Age Night Renewing Serum, $89.
 Step 4: Dr. Murad suggests using an anti-aging product specifically formulated for the neck that includes phytoestrogens, retinols and licorice root to help smooth, plump and erase discoloration, such as Dr. Murad's Rejuvenating Lift for Neck and Decollete, $55.
 Step 5: Use a moisturizer that has a high level of glycerin or hyaluronic acid to help skin retain the moisture it needs. If you're in your 50s "Moisture, moisture, moisture," says Waldorf. This should be your main concern in your 50s. Loss of tone, hollow eyes and sagging are your biggest issues, and creams and serums can only do so much.

If you're looking for more dramatic results, in addition to using powerful products that contain peptides, retinoids, or alpha hydroxy or amino acids, consider talking to your derm about laser treatments and other non-invasive or invasive skin rejuvenation options.

Your ideal regimen: 

Step 1: Use a cream cleanser that will hydrate skin while it cleanses.
Step 2: Choose a moisturizing cream that contains SPF to keep skin hydrated and protected. Because ingredients like retinoids can make skin more sensitive to the sun, daily use of sunscreen is a must. Step 3: For day, apply a peptide-rich serum under your SPF daily to help build collagen. Look for one that also contains antioxidants to fight free radicals or hyaluronic acid to lock in moisture. PCA Skin pHaze 25 ExLinea Peptide Smoothing Serum, $102, contains all three ingredients.
Step 4: At night, apply a retinoid before your moisturizer. Your moisturizer should contain phytoestrogens to help with hormonal aging, such as Ilike Phytoestrogen Moisturizer, $68.
Step 5: Though it sounds too simple (and inexpensive) to be true, a simple petroleum jelly is a great way to lock in the moisture from your moisturizer, which is more important now than ever. One thing to note, petroleum jelly prevents water loss but doesn't attract moisture, so you can't actually skip moisturizer altogether.

Source : http://www.totalbeauty.com/content/gallery/p_skin_care/p2361/